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visiting by
may think fit to do so, and such visiting Officer shall be
placed on the immediate right of the Brother presiding.
124. A Provincial or District Grand Master may send Provincial
and District
any of his Provincial or District Grand Officers, present
or past, to visit any Lodge in his Province or District
visiting by
whenever he may think fit to do so, and such visiting
Officer shall be placed on the immediate right of the
Brother presiding. A Metropolitan Grand Master may
send any of his present Metropolitan Grand Officers or
any holder of Senior Metropolitan Grand Rank or
Metropolitan Grand Rank to visit any Lodge in his
Metropolitan Area in a similar manner.
Admission 125. (a) No Brother subject to the Grand Lodge shall
of Visitors
be admitted into a Lodge unless he be personally known
to, and vouched for, by one of the Brethren present, or
unless he shall be well vouched for after due
examination. He shall, if required, produce his Grand
Lodge Certificate and proof of good standing in his
Lodge or Lodges.
(b) No Brother who is not subject to the Grand
Lodge shall be admitted unless his Certificate shows that
he has been initiated according to the antient rites and
ceremonies in a Lodge belonging to a Grand Lodge
professing belief in T.G.A.O.T.U., such Certificate not to
be regarded as valid unless granted by a Grand Lodge
recognised by the Grand Lodge, nor unless he himself
shall acknowledge that this belief is an essential
Landmark of the Order, and is able to produce proof of
his good standing in his Lodge or Lodges. It is
incumbent on the Master of any Lodge to which a visitor
from another Constitution seeks admission to satisfy
himself by adequate enquiries, if need be, from the
Grand Secretary, that such Constitution is recognised by
the Grand Lodge.
(c) Every visitor during his presence in a Lodge is
subject to its relevant by-laws.
Refusal of 126. It is within the power of the Master of every
admission to
private Lodge to refuse admission to any visitor of
known bad character or whose presence is in his opinion
likely to disturb the harmony of the Lodge.
Disqualifica- 127. In the case of a Brother who has ceased to be a
tion to visit
subscribing member of every Lodge of which he has at
any time been a member, the following provisions shall
have effect, viz.:
(i) If he comes within the provisions of this
Rule by reason of his exclusion under Rule 148 or Rule
181, he shall not be permitted to attend any Lodge or
Lodge of Instruction until he again becomes a
subscribing member of a Lodge.
(ii) If he comes within the provisions of this
Rule by reason of his expulsion from the Craft or by
reason of his resignation from the Craft under Rule 183A
or Rule 277A, his right to attend any Lodge or Lodge of
Instruction shall be forfeited.
(iii) In any other case he shall not be permitted
to attend any one Lodge more than once until he again
becomes a subscribing member of a Lodge, and upon
such one attendance he shall append the word
 unattached to his signature in the attendance book,
stating therein the name and number of the Lodge of
which he was last a subscribing member.
Nothing in this Rule shall preclude the attendance
of a Brother at any Lodge of which he is an Honorary
128. Subject to the provisions of Rule 129, all Lodges London
held within five miles from Freemasons Hall, London,
are London Lodges.
129. All Lodges held at a greater distance than five Provincial or
miles from Freemasons Hall, London, are, subject to the
provisions of Rules 60 and 91, Provincial or District
Lodges, and are under the immediate superintendence of
the Provincial or District Grand Master within whose
jurisdiction they meet, provided always that a Lodge held
between five and ten miles from Freemasons Hall,
London, may with the consent of the Grand Master be a
London Lodge to which Rule 128 applies.
Military 130. When any Military Lodge, under the Grand Lodge,
shall meet out of England, it shall be conducted so as not to
give offence to the Masonic authorities of the country or
place in which it is holden, never losing sight of the duties
it owes to the Grand Lodge, to which communication is
ever to be made, and all fees and dues regularly
Surrender 131. If the military body to which a Lodge is attached be
or exchange
disbanded, the Brethren shall transmit the warrant to the
of warrant
Grand Secretary; but, if a competent number of the
of Military
Brethren remain together, they may apply for another
warrant of the same number, authorising a Lodge to be
holden as a civil Lodge, at such place as may be convenient
and approved by the Grand Master, such warrant to be
granted without any additional expense.
Sanction for 132. No Lodge of Instruction shall be holden unless under
Lodge of
the sanction of a regular warranted Lodge, or by the licence
and authority of the Grand Master. The Lodge giving its
sanction, or the Brethren to whom such licence is granted,
shall be responsible for seeing that the proceedings are in
accordance with the Antient Charges, Landmarks, and
Regulations of the Order as established by the Grand
Time and 133. The times and places of meeting of Lodges of
place of
Instruction in Metropolitan Areas, Provinces and Districts
meeting of
Lodges of
shall be submitted for approval to the Metropolitan,
Instruction to
be approved
Provincial or District Grand Secretary.
134. Lodges of Instruction shall keep minutes Minutes of
Lodges of
recording the names of all Brethren present at each
meeting, and the Brethren appointed to hold office, and
such minutes shall be produced when called for by the
Grand Master, the Metropolitan, Provincial or District
Grand Master, the Board of General Purposes, or the
Lodge granting the sanction.
Any officer who is in possession of any property
of a Lodge of Instruction shall, upon ceasing to hold his
office, hand over such property to his successor, or to
such person or persons as the Lodge giving its sanction,
or the Grand Master, or other competent authority, shall
135. If a Lodge which has given its sanction for a Withdrawal
of sanction
Lodge of Instruction being held shall see fit, it may at
from Lodge [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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