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In a similar way the different schools of family therapy tend to focus on rather different aspects of family
life, and involve rather different analyses into subsystems. Consequently they will ask different questions
and get different answers. If questions are asked about the family life of parents when they were children,
then the answers will reveal patterns involving three generations: the subsystems of the family will be
seen to include the behaviour and personality of the grandparents as they were when their children were
young. A psychoanalytical approach might see rather different subsystems of the members of the
families involved, perhaps with a strong emphasis on the sexual aspects of relationships, Oedipal
responses and so on. If, at another extreme, the questions are kept very much to the here-and-now in
terms of what reaction there is to any action, as in a behavioral approach, there is going to be
comparatively little attention to any history, or any internal ideas or feelings of the individuals involved,
and the systems that will be featured in the analysis will be rather simple reactive ones. A
communications-based therapy will similarly involve asking questions about the ways in which the
communication of one individual is affected by the communication of another, and will derive systems
based on the types of communication which are being studied.
Family therapy is not an exact science. There is no reason to suppose that one form of analysis is always
better than another. Looking at the situation from the outside, it would seem most probable that for a
particular case of a "problem" in a particular family one form of analysis might be the most appropriate,
but that each approach will have value in some cases. In an ideal world the therapist would be familiar
with all possible forms of analysis into subsystems and, as a result of a diagnostic process, determine
which is the most useful in a particular case. Such an approach would be "holistic" in the sense used
above: of being able to recognise and take account of any systems, of whatever nature, that are involved.
http://easyweb.easynet.co.uk/~dylanwad/morganic/ph_chap20.htm (5 of 6) [19/06/2000 8:31:04 PM]
Principles of Hypnosis (20). Familly therapy from perspective of systems and hypnosis
In practice a similar pattern can be seen within Hypnotherapy, though there has been little attempt to
classify the different approaches as methodically as has been done for family or psychotherapy. The
rough classification of Chapter 4 will, however, give an idea of the way in which different theorists have
focused their attention on different systems as being the central one in Hypnosis, which is analogous to
the way in which different schools of family therapy focus on a different central feature of family
dynamics. Such an approach differentiates one approach from another. The whole theme of this book is
quite the opposite: it is integrative in that it shows up what is common in all approaches. There is
something of value to be learned from each approach to Hypnosis, but none is a complete theory of the
One of the greatest advantages that the "hard" sciences have over the "soft" ones is their common
language, derived from a particularly fruitful and precise shorthand called mathematics, which integrates
them and shows what they have in common. Each speciality is differentiated by its raw material, but
united with the others by the common discipline which forces it to write down its findings in the most
simple and compact way in the common language.
It is this goal which is the guiding principle of this book. The author would like to be able to read case
reports on family therapy in which the systems assumed to be important and the dynamics thereof were
made explicit and written down compactly. If several different therapists looked at the same case, the
different diagnoses could be written in a similar language and compared and contrasted with comparative
ease. At present since each field tends to use its own specialised vocabulary, such comparisons become [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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